Hainaut, a Belgian province of which Mons is the capital, holds the national record for heritage sites recognised by UNESCO with 20 listed sites, buildings and events. Over such a small area, this is really exceptional... In the region of Mons there are some real treasures waiting to be discovered: the Canal du Centre boat lifts (1998), the Belfry of Mons (1999), the Neolithic flint mines of Spiennes (2000), the Doudou (Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity in 2005), the site of the Grand-Hornu (2012) and the Universal Bibliographic Repertory of Mundaneum, which was added to UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register in 2013.

The Belfry
The only baroque belfry in Belgium. A visit offers an unmissable view of the city.

Neolithic mines in Spiennes
The Spiennes archaeological site is one of the oldest and largest centres for the extraction of flint in Europe.

The Doudou
Every year over Trinity weekend, the people of Mons come together to pay tribute to Saint Waudru and witness the legendary battle, known as Lumeçon, pitting Saint George against the Dragon. Somewhere between reality and the imaginary, the Doudou Museum takes visitors right to the heart of the Ducasse de Mons.

The Grand-Hornu
A former coalmine considered to be the jewel in the crown of Belgium’s industrial heritage

The Mundaneum
Also called 'paper Google' the Mundaneum conserves a valuable documentary heritage and presents numerous exhibitions.

Saint-symphorien military cemetery
But it is more than a cemetery; it is a garden of peace, where combatants of all nationalities lie together, united in death.