Laser Game Evolution - Mons
Laser Game Evolution Belgium team is pleased to welcome you to the new center in MONS LGEvolution IMAGIX complex , where a warm and friendly atmosphere awaits you at the reception area . You will be comfortably installed side bar , or you'll be able to put you in front of TVs showing what is happening in the labyrinths yourself at home in one of the lounges . Not to mention giant screen and background music to get you in the best conditions. Surprise yourself in the largest labyrinth of...
Laser Game Evolution Belgium team is pleased to welcome you to the new center in MONS LGEvolution IMAGIX complex , where a warm and friendly atmosphere awaits you at the reception area . You will be comfortably installed side bar , or you'll be able to put you in front of TVs showing what is happening in the labyrinths yourself at home in one of the lounges . Not to mention giant screen and background music to get you in the best conditions. Surprise yourself in the largest labyrinth of Belgium ( 900 m² ) both obscure and confusing, consisting of reflective areas of all kinds, in a futuristic decor dominated by different levels, all the more confusing one another. Your goal will be to simply turn off your opponents, avoiding being disabled by other players
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