Getting in touch with the work of Jaume Plensa
According to thinking inspired by Buddhism, four forces exist within us; it is those which allow us to connect to the world. The first is the force of listening. Sensing how sounds arrive in our ear, without seeking to identify or name them, allows us to fully open up to those around us, while providing space
for our body in return. The second force consists of physically anchoring ourselves on the ground. Linking our body to the soil and the earth provides the feeling of being where we are supposed to be. The third force is that of aerating our body by allowing air to enter and exit, by simply being aware of our breathing. This breathing makes our body move, it is life. It aerates, elevates, and lightens our body. The final force can be summed up in the expression of Being-there in the world, completely open and available to encounters with our environment. We are not expected to arrive at any particular state, just to be anchored, listening, breathing, and available. These four forces are without doubt the main keys to accessing the work of Jaume Plensa. The exhibition trail is going to expose us to different urban sensations: from the Grand-Place with its roaring sounds to the gentleness of the garden, via the silence of an ancient chapel through to the calm of the Collegiate Church. All these sites resonate differently within us according to the state of mind we visit them in. Ultimately, the work of Jaume Plensa encourages us to take in our surroundings in an alternative way.
"With this exhibition, the aim is not only to look at my works, but above all to show and experience the city in a different way"