Cités des possibles - Des utopies aux réalités de demain

Exhibition in Mons
  • At the heart of the exhibition is the visionary project of the Cité Mondiale, imagined by Paul Otlet, co-founder of the Mundaneum. This pioneer dreamed of a universal space dedicated to knowledge and international cooperation, a city designed to promote peace and progress. Though it never became a reality, the Cité Mondiale remains a powerful and timeless source of inspiration. The exhibition also explores many other projects from the past and future that reshape and rethink our relationship...

    At the heart of the exhibition is the visionary project of the Cité Mondiale, imagined by Paul Otlet, co-founder of the Mundaneum. This pioneer dreamed of a universal space dedicated to knowledge and international cooperation, a city designed to promote peace and progress. Though it never became a reality, the Cité Mondiale remains a powerful and timeless source of inspiration. The exhibition also explores many other projects from the past and future that reshape and rethink our relationship with the world. What can we learn from these utopias to address the challenges of living together today? How can we rethink our ways of living and coexisting in a changing world? "City of Possibilities – From Utopias to the Realities of Tomorrow" invites us to dream, question, and reinvent our future. An exhibition presented by the Mundaneum in partnership with the Master’s program in Expography-Museography at the University of Artois in Arras (FR).

  • Accessibility
    • Mobility impaired
  • Rates
  • Article 27
    1.25 €
  • Free
  • From March 14, 2025 until January 11, 2026