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Radioscopie by Michèle Noiret
Mons 2015
in Mons
For more than 20 years the VIA International Festival has been breaking down artistic and geographical boundaries, in Mons and Maubeuge
The festival has established itself in Europe as a unique meetingplace where performing arts and new technologies converge and where international theatres, transboundary professionals and audiences meet each other.
In 2015, New Cinemas will be the central theme of the festival... Indeed, the 7th Art will appear in and out everywhere, in all art forms and...For more than 20 years the VIA International Festival has been breaking down artistic and geographical boundaries, in Mons and Maubeuge
The festival has established itself in Europe as a unique meetingplace where performing arts and new technologies converge and where international theatres, transboundary professionals and audiences meet each other.
In 2015, New Cinemas will be the central theme of the festival... Indeed, the 7th Art will appear in and out everywhere, in all art forms and shapes. Film will be a source of inspiration; new surfaces will be covered by projections, in interdisciplinary ways. It will open up new dimensions which the arts are incorporating more and more into movie techniques in their creative processes. In light of this trend, the 2015 edition of VIA will offer twice as many creations as usual – Children of Nowhere, the second part of Ghost Road, the theatrical road-movie of Fabrice Murgia; the dance-thriller, Radioscopies, by Michèle Noiret; the slam/mapping movie by Jean-Michel Van den Eeyden, Amnesia, about digital memories and identity, a special exhibition about this theme; and an amazing 3D movies festival for the whole family.
The European Capital of Culture is also the opportunity for the Festival to take on some new challenges, as for example with Café Europa, which will be inaugurated during the Festival. We should also mention the two digital and interactive shows by the TPO company - Bleu and Babayaga -, planned during the family weekend at the Maison Folie.
Radioscopie - Par Michèle Noiret
The starting point was an interview. The Belgian author Conrad Detrez was invited to talk to Jacques Chancel on the radio programme Radioscopie and spoke about the French-speaking Belgian identity. This was the cue for the choreographer Michèle Noiret to invent a choreographic thriller, Sommes-nous toujours de quelque part ? in which we are whisked away into parallel universes, poised between theatre, dance and cinema.Production
Compagnie Michèle Noiret / Tandem asbl
Coproduction : la Fondation Mons 2015, le manège.mons, Théâtre National
de la Communauté française de Belgique, Bruxelles, Théâtre National de Chaillot,
Paris, Théâtre Louis Aragon, scène conventionnée danse de Tremblay-en-France,
(La compagnie Michèle Noiret est en résidence au Théâtre Louis Aragon, scène conventionnée
danse de Tremblay-en-France, dans le cadre de “Territoire(s) de la Danse 2015”, avec le soutien du
Département de la Seine-Saint-Denis) • (en cours)
Réalisé avec l’aide du Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Service de la Danse. La
Compagnie Michèle Noiret bénéficie du soutien régulier de Wallonie-Bruxelles International.
Michèle Noiret est artiste associée au Théâtre National de la Communauté française de Belgique à
Bruxelles, et membre de l’Académie royale de Belgique.
Scénario, mise en scène et chorégraphie Michèle Noiret
Créée avec et interprétée par Michèle Noiret, Isael Mata
Collaboration artistique Dominique Duszynski
Assistanat Florence Augendre
Caméraman plateau Vincent Pinckaers
Composition musicale originale Todor Todoroff
Scénographie Sabine Theunissen
Lumières Xavier Lauwers
Régie vidéo Benoît Gillet
Direction technique Christian Halkin
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Standard rate - adult full price11 €