Cold Blood
Mons 2015
in Mons
Michele Van de Mey et Jaco Van Dormael et le Collectif Kiss and Cry. Back in 2011, the world of theatre was in a state of shock. A brilliant makeshift affair between cinema, dance, music and theatre, Kiss and Cry was an immediate success at home and abroad in the wake of its inception in Mons. The film director Jaco Van Dormael (Toto le héros), the choreographer Michèle Anne De Mey (Sinfonia Eroïca) and their team took on the world with a story told inside and out…
In Kiss and Cry,...Michele Van de Mey et Jaco Van Dormael et le Collectif Kiss and Cry. Back in 2011, the world of theatre was in a state of shock. A brilliant makeshift affair between cinema, dance, music and theatre, Kiss and Cry was an immediate success at home and abroad in the wake of its inception in Mons. The film director Jaco Van Dormael (Toto le héros), the choreographer Michèle Anne De Mey (Sinfonia Eroïca) and their team took on the world with a story told inside and out…
In Kiss and Cry, Gisèle encounters a man in a train. Their hands touch and then search for each other frantically. In 2015, the entire team will be returning to the first performance venue, in Mons, not to embark upon a follow-up or an epilogue but to set off on a new lyrical adventure combining nano-dance and cinema. Fingers running over doll-like sets, a camera dances, a voice tells a story.
A dream experience for old and young alike.
Coproduction de Charleroi-danses, Astragale/cie Michèle Anne De Mey le manège.mons, la Fondation Mons 2015
Adult11 €