The highlight of the Ducasse de Mons is the climb of the Car d'Or, which brings the procession of the Châsse de Sainte-Waudru to an end. At midday, a crowd of people gather outside the Collegiate Church to help the ceremonial carriage climb the Saint Waudru ramp. 

Unrivalled fervour

Emotions are at their highest when the Car d'Or arrives at the bottom of the Saint Waudru ramp. It is midday. The battlements, manned by good-natured security staff, hold in the crowds as they sing typical local tunes. There is a real party atmosphere. In windows and up on the streets, the people of Mons are everywhere. They applaud the procession, followed by Saint George, who comes before the Car d'Or. Everyone wants to be part of the event. The scene is broadcast on television. Throughout the Mons region, people want to see the Châsse arrive at the Collegiate Church.


Everybody together

The Car d'Or has to climb the Saint Waudru ramp in one go to reach the religious building. If it fails, the city will be shrouded in misfortune for the rest of the year. Suffice it to say, the people of Mons take this task very seriously! They are not frightened by all two tonnes of the Car d'Or. With all their strength, in a rare moment of harmony, they push the carriage to go over the ramp in one fell swoop. From the windows, their fellow locals cheer them on, clapping their hands and stamping their feet. For 30 seconds, all eyes are glued to the carriage. The people of Mons have never failed. Every time it has come out, the Car d'Or has managed to get up the ramp without stopping. 

A final farewell to Saint Waudru

At the top, cries of joy ring out. All together, the people of Mons have fulfilled their mission. They express their love for Saint Waudru, the founding mother of the city. For one year, the city can sleep peacefully. But the relics have only just made it to the Collegiate Church before Saint George has to prepare to face the Dragon. Accompanied by the characters of the Lumeçon, he makes his way down Rue des Clercs to the Grand Place. The battle, known as “Lumeçon” is about to begin.